(Read it Carefully !! We will going to save your herd Earning Money)
Are you Planning to start a Online Jobs? Well its a Good idea to start a online jobs while setting at your home! Online jobs gives you the wings to work freely according to your free time! Also Most of the Online Jobs is freelance so work as per your needed money. Even you can do online jobs as Full time Jobs. Even Students and housewife can do this jobs as part time earning source.
So Before Start a Online Jobs You need to know some fact about online jobs background. It will help you to find a Best online work from home job for you.
What Do you Know about a scam online home jobs?
- Almost 2500 Plus Websites are demanding to Provide Online Work form home jobs but never pay a single Rupees after Joining !! 😉
- Almost 200 Plus Websites are taking registration fees for online work form home jobs but never received a Call After getting a payment form a workers! 😉
- Thank God !! Only 5 to 10 Websites are present on internet as Real online Jobs Provider.
A Short Story of a Scam online home Jobs websites ?
How a fake websites start online jobs business in Rs-588 for looting People!
- Mr. Scam Need start a Business ! and desired to open a websites in the name of online jobs for looting Money.
- Mr. Scam has Rs. 588 to start a fake online Jobs Provider company.
Step 1 : Start with registering a domain name. (Ex- xxxxjob.com) Cost – Rs-99 for 1 Year.
Step 2: Register a web Hosting for hosting the domain. Cost- Rs-499 for Year.
Step 3: Purchase two New SIM and a fake office address. Cost – Rs- 100
Step 4: Now Put some ad into classified websites and convene people to join their scheme.
Result: On the first of the week Mr. Scam Earn Rs- 15,000 , just by investing only Rs- 99+499+100 = Rs- 588
It will take 3 or 6 month to understand the game of such a websites. but its a too late !!
After one or two year Mr. Scam Start over the same step again. And once again he need invest Rs-588 to Make People fool for 6 month and looting there money….and to be continue..
The Key benefits to Join any of this Scam online home Jobs!
- You will lost your entire registration fees 🙂 !
- In the return you will get only Rs- 000000000.0000
- You will lost some mobile phone Balance or some extra bills.
- your hard work is gone waste.
- High depression ! Soon you need to visit doctor .
- West of time ! Time is Money so in passively it a west of money also in the form of time !! 😉
Moral: Watch out from scam online home jobs and Only Join in Real Online Jobs in Internet. If you confused asked our scam adviser expert to review any website offering online jobs. Its free to all. Alos i advice you to use scamadviser.com